- Rotarians 1,221,667
- Clubs 32,292
- Districts 529
- Countries 168
- 180,987 Members
- 7,869 Clubs
- 158 Countries
- 233,680 Members
- 10,160 Clubs
- 118 Countries
Rotary Fellowships 94
Rotary Community Corps
- 133,193 RCCs
- 5,791 Corps
- 71 Countries
- $ Conversion Rate
Effective from 01 Nov 2005
The RI exchange rate is now:
1 US$ = INR 45/-
This rate would remain effective till further notification.
The exchange rate is applicable for all payments to Rotary International South Asia Office and contributions to Rotary Foundation (India).
Please also note that RI rate is applicable on the date of receipt in Rotary International South Asia Office and not the date of preparation of cheque/draft or date of dispatch. Per capita dues for each active member (due 1 January and 1 July) will be US$21.50 per half year in 2005-06 and $23.50 per half year in 2006-07 provided that each club shall pay for a minimum of 10 members per half year.
The payment can also be made through the Member Access area of the RI website
Source: The Rotarian Sep 2005
Women in Rotary
- Regions with female members 6
- Districts with female members 510 (97%)
- Clubs with female members 13,462 (46%)
Foundation Facts
- 6,812 Major Donors
- 3,432 Bequest Society Members
- 8,773 Benefactors
- 971,367 Paul Harris Fellows (Oct 05)
Rotary Clubs in India
Author: Rotary Club of Calcutta, D-3290